Floresnaweb Brazil

Avenida Santo Amaro, 823 - loja 32, Vila Nova Conceição, Sao Paulo, 04505-001, Brazil -

4.73 out of 5 based on 445 user ratings

(445 reviews) 97.26% positive

Wonder Rose Basket

Order within > 10 hours and 20 minutes > for delivery on SATURDAY in Brazil

Wonder Rose Basket

The Wonder Rose Basket contains a selection of 24 beautiful red roses combined with special green foliage and baby's breath; it is a vibrant and charming gift. The basket also comes with a beautiful bow to match the roses.

The model of the Basket used to make the arrangement may differ from the one photographed, depending on the baskets we have in stock on the date of delivery.

Delivery charges and taxes are always included in our prices. Available for all cities in Brazil.

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Minimum: US$132.00
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