Floresnaweb Brazil

Avenida Santo Amaro, 823 - loja 32, Vila Nova Conceição, Sao Paulo, 04505-001, Brazil -

4.73 out of 5 based on 445 user ratings

(445 reviews) 97.26% positive

Breakfast Surprise Gift Basket

Order within > 10 hours and 22 minutes > for delivery on SATURDAY in Brazil

Breakfast Surprise Gift Basket

The Breakfast Surprise Gift Basket will make your loved one's day an extra special day !

This basket is composed of a variety of different types of breads and toasts, croissants, brioches, a sachet of capuccino coffee, tea sachets, honey, jam, a small cake, cookies, salty biscuits, fruit juice, cocoa milk, sugar and sweetener, sliced cheese and ham, 2 in-season fruits and a box of chocolates. The daily local newspaper is also added as well as a mug and disposable cutlery

We deliver this basket to all cities in Brazil.

Choose Size & Price:
Minimum: US$122.00
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